Mediumship Affirms

Life Love Soul

I’m an English, London and Los Angeles based spirit medium.

For more than 35 years I have had a strong connection to the spirit world and a deep understanding of the practice of mediumship and trance mediumship. Sharing my knowledge with others can be a powerful and meaningful way to help others connect with their loved ones and find comfort, closure, and guidance. 

Not confined to reuniting friends and family with messages of love and hope but also bringing forward knowledge, challenges and confirmation of your own spiritual connections, spirit guidance, and spiritual philosophy. 

It is important to approach spiritual practices with respect and integrity, and to always strive to deliver accurate and helpful messages and imformation to those seeking communication with the spirit world.

A Simple Message

A simple message from spirit  can often be the catalyst for a deeper exploration of our own spirituality and connection to the universe. It can be a reminder to seek out meaning and purpose in our lives, and to open ourselves up to the many possibilities and wonders that exist beyond the physical world. As we continue on our journey, we may find ourselves drawn to explore new ideas, practices, and ways of being that help us to connect more deeply with ourselves, others, and the world around us. Through this process of exploration and self-discovery, we may come to discover new depths of meaning and fulfilment in our lives, and to connect more fully with our own unique piece of the universal realms.

The Password

Charlie Strange's wife, Carrie, has passed away after many years fighting cancer.

They had agreed a password together so that if ever Charlie went to see a medium and if the password was said then it would truly be her, she was alive in spirit and there was a life after death!

That evening Carrie's spirit had given the password to Andrew ! Charlie and his mother -in-laws' life took a different turn. Their preconceptions were challenged, and it just may be true ...that life goes on beyond the grave.